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We upgrade our cars.  Shouldn’t we upgrade members of Congress?  

Gerrick Wilkins is not a career politician.  He is an entrepreneur, manager and author who has a lifetime of keeping his word.  Gerrick embraces the vision of our founding fathers of a citizen’s legislature.  That’s why he not only proudly signed the Term Limits pledge, but he is personally pledging to serve only 3 terms in Congress.  We can count on Gerrick Wilkins to end the stranglehold of career politicians who care more about political power than people and to keep his word to us.

Unlike the incumbent who hasn’t served in the private sector in over 35 years, Gerrick Wilkins understands that small business is the lifeblood of our economy.  As an entrepreneur and manager, Gerrick knows firsthand the unique struggles of smaller businesses.  He has the real-life experience to help revive our economy, grow jobs, and reverse bad Biden policy.



Moreover, Gerrick knows how the printing of money by the federal government is causing inflation and jeopardizing the fiscal stability of our nation. He has the budgeting experience and the backbone we need in Congress to implement sound economic free market policies that will grow our economy, end inflation, and stop the bankrupting of our nation.  He will not kick this can down the road or sell us out to the special interest groups.

We cannot live our lives or prosper if our streets are not safe.  Gerrick Wilkins supports law enforcement whether it is our local police or ICE officers.  He will not throw law and order under the bus to score political points. 

Ronald Reagan once said “A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation.”  Gerrick Wilkins agrees with Ronald Reagan.  Enough is enough.  It is time to finally stop the invasion happening at our southern border.  He will support ICE, building the wall, ending taxpayer benefits for illegals, and stopping the catch and release program.

Gerrick Wilkins is appalled at the radicalization happening in our schools.  He will work not only to get politics out of our classrooms, but to also empower parents.  Gerrick will have the backbone to take on the teachers union that is consumed by implementing a dangerous left-wing agenda that promotes critical race theory and brainwashes our children on gender issues.  He will work to introduce legislation to dismantle the federal Department of Education and allocate our tax dollars back to the states, local government, and parents where they belong.

Gerrick Wilkins will fight to preserve all of our Constitution rights whether it is taking on big tech or liberal special interest groups that want to trample our First and Second Amendment rights. 

Life is precious.  We need to stop devaluing the gift of life.  You can count on Gerrick Wilkins to protect life at every stage and to promote adoption. 

Gerrick Wilkins greatly respects the sacrifices our military make to protect our freedoms.  As our next Congressman, Gerrick will honor our veterans.  He believes that we have a responsibility to fulfill promises made to our veterans.  

Protect Our Border

Here’s my plan to put America First.