Giving business owners a voice: why this M&A advisor is running for Congress — Gerrick Wilkins

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As business owners, dealers have the ability to make an immense impact on their communities through their professional connections, wealth, and large customer base. But what if the retail community aimed their sights even higher?

On this episode of Inside Automotive, host Jim Fitzpatrick is joined by dealership buy-sell consultant Gerrick Wilkins. Wilkins has spent 24 years in the retail automotive sector, driving success for himself and his clients. His experiences have given him insight not only into the needs of car dealers but also the needs of small business owners. Now, he discusses his decision to run for Congress in Alabama’s sixth Congressional District and what he hopes to achieve as a representative of the U.S.

Key Takeaways

1. Wilkins intends to battle over-legislation with the goal of reducing the financial burden on business owners.

2. As lawmakers, business owners can provide valuable insights into the impact political decisions have on the standard citizen, along with the leadership skills necessary to create change.

3. Wilkins is a proponent of setting term limits for members of Congress and is writing a book on the issue: “Unshackling Democracy: Embracing Term Limits and Empowering Citizens,” slated for publication by the end of the year.

4. Wilkins believes that spending cuts and labor reform are key to reducing inflation.

5. Wilkins is pro-life and intends to support pregnancy counseling and adoption programs to reduce abortion rates.

“I’m looking at being a true citizen legislator, going in and bringing in the principles I’ve learned on the showroom, bringing the principles I’ve learned from interacting with the hundreds of dealers that I’ve worked with, as we talk through buy-sells and I hear the plight of what’s going on.” — Gerrick Wilkins

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