I was recently on the David Webb show. I hope you will listen to this interview. Unlike career politicians, I state the facts and what it is going to take to get our country on the right track.
It is not enough to put Trump back into the White House. We need a Congress that will take action.
As our President, Donald Trump enacted numerous executive orders securing our borders. Unfortunately, with a stroke of a pen, President Biden reversed the orders and open our borders to this invasion. If the Republican Congress had made the Trump executive orders law, then Biden could not have reversed them with an executive order. It was weak Republicans who failed us.
That’s why it is so important to send a strong conservative to Washington to represent the people of Alabama’s 6th district.
I am the only candidate who has an aggressive plan to secure our borders and I am committed to being a member of the House Freedom Caucus.
More importantly, like President Trump, I am not a career politician. I have the business experience of getting results!
You have an important decision to make in the Republican Primary on March 5th. Do you want a career politician or do you want a strong conservative businessman who will make a positive difference?
I would be honored to have your vote.
Thank you for your consideration.