Wilkins Vows to Champion Election Integrity

Today Gerrick Wilkins, Republican candidate for Congress in Alabama’s 6th Congressional District, announced his commitment to joining the Election Integrity Caucus upon election to Congress and emphasized a plan for robust reforms, including making Election Day a national holiday with in-person voting.

“Our elections must be secure and above reproach. The events of 2020 have undoubtedly raised concerns. As your next Congressman, my role in the Election Integrity Caucus will be focused on implementing solutions that bolster the sanctity of our electoral process,” said Wilkins, who has also pledged to join the House Freedom Caucus.

Initiated by Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, the Election Integrity Caucus aims to educate Americans about election security, propose policy solutions to reinforce trust in our Republic and ensure nationwide confidence in fair and transparent elections.

In addition to joining the caucus, Wilkins is advocating for pivotal changes. “Making Election Day a national holiday ensures every American has the opportunity to vote without the constraint of work schedules, enhancing participation in our democratic process,” Wilkins stated.

He also emphasized the necessity of in-person voting, with exceptions only for deployed military personnel and individuals with disabilities. “We’ve seen numerous instances of inconsistencies with mail-in balloting. It’s clear – in-person voting is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our elections. Every fraudulent vote cancels out the voice of a legitimate voter. It’s time to end this and hold those who undermine our electoral system accountable,” added Wilkins.

Wilkins’ stance on election integrity reflects a commitment to restoring faith in the American government, as he also discussed in his recently released Congressional reform plan.

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